Upcoming events
Joint EUFORGEN-OptFORESTS webinar: Mechanisms of natural and anthropogenic selection on trees in the forest
External Meeting | EUFORGEN & OptFORESTS
Place: Online
How does natural selection shape tree populations in forests? How do human interventions like thinning and forest management influence trees’ adaptive capacity to climate change? Can forest management harness natural selection to enhance resilience to stresses like drought? These questions will be explored in a new EUFORGEN webinar, organised with the OptFORESTS project.
The session will review how selection operates on trees—at what scale, how quickly populations respond, and how forest management interacts with selection processes. It will also explore how evolutionary processes can be integrated into forest management using model-based simulation tools to develop evolution-oriented strategies that promote long-term forest resilience.
The speaker is François Lefèvre, a geneticist at INRAE (France) in the Mediterranean Forest Ecology research unit (URFM). François is president of the French Commission on Forest Genetic Resources (CRGF) and national coordinator for France in EUFORGEN. His research focuses on how forest management affects both short-term performance and long-term adaptive capacity in the context of climate change.
The recording of the webinar will be made available on YouTube after its completion and can be used as training content.
MOREAForGeN meeting 2025
External Meeting | AForGeN
Place: Safiental, Switzerland
The 10th meeting of the Alpine Forest Genomics Network (AForGeN) will be held from 18.-20.6.2025 in Safiental, Switzerland. The local organizers from the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL warmly welcome you to present your science, discuss the latest trends in forest genomics and increase your network while hiking through the beautiful Swiss mountains. For more information about the network/meeting and on how to become a member, please visit https://aforgen.org. AForGeN is also a IUFRO working party: https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-2/20000/20400/20411/
Save The Date!
(Detailed information and registration will follow in early 2025)
EvolTree & FORGENIUS Final Conference 2025
External Meeting | EvolTree & FORGENIUS
Place: Madrid, Spain
After the big success of the previous meetings in Switzerland and Romania, the 3rd biannual EvolTree Conference will be held from 18 - 21 November 2025 in Madrid, Spain. EvolTree is a self-supporting European network that aims to link the research fields of ecology, genetics, genomics, and evolution. Join us in Madrid to present your latest findings in evolutionary ecology and genomics in trees and their associated organisms.
The conference will be combined with the concluding project meeting of the EU H2020 FORGENIUS project.
Save The Date!
(More information will be updated in due course)