Academic Publications

The effect of structural diversity on the self-thinning line, yield level, and density-growth relationship in even-aged stands of Norway spruce

Pretzsch, H., Hilmers, T., & del Río, M. (2024). The effect of structural diversity on the self-thinning line, yield level, and density-growth relationship in even-aged stands of Norway spruce. Forest Ecology and Management556, 121736. DOI: 

Different patterns of inter-annual variability in mean vessel area and tree-ring widths of beech from provenance trials in Slovenia and Hungary

Gričar, J., Arnič, D., Krajnc, L., Prislan, P., Božič, G., Westergren, M., ... & Kraigher, H. (2024). Different patterns of inter-annual variability in mean vessel area and tree-ring widths of beech from provenance trials in Slovenia and Hungary. Trees38(1), 179-195. DOI: 

Making the Genotypic Variation Visible: Hyperspectral Phenotyping in Scots Pine Seedlings

Stejskal, J., Čepl, J., Neuwirthová, E., Akinyemi, O. O., Chuchlík, J., Provazník, D., ... & Lhotáková, Z. (2023). Making the genotypic variation visible: hyperspectral phenotyping in Scots pine seedlings. Plant Phenomics5, 0111. DOI:

Other Publications

Evaluating genomic offset predictions in a forest tree with high population genetic structure

Archambeau, J., Benito Garzon, M., de-Miguel, M., Changenet, A., Bagnoli, F., Barraquand, F., ... & Gonzalez-Martinez, S. C. (2024). Evaluating genomic offset predictions in a forest tree with high population genetic structure. bioRxiv, 2024-05. DOI:

Master Thesis - Exploring the value of ecosystem services associated with forest genetic resources in Europe: a preliminary assessment with a focus on the Mediterranean region 

Amir Hossein Khalili Pir
 2023. "Exploring the value of ecosystem services associated with forest genetic resources in Europe: a preliminary assessment with a focus on the Mediterranean region". Master Thesis. The University of Padova.

Supervisors: Dr. Mauro Masiero (University of Padova)

Edition: Master Degree Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management (MEDfOR). 10th Edition - 2021/2023