Academic Publications
Genetically based trait coordination and phenotypic plasticity of growth, gas exchange, allometry, and hydraulics across the distribution range of Pinus pinaster
Ramírez‐Valiente, J.A., González‐Martínez, S.C., Robledo‐Arnuncio, J.J., Matesanz, S., Anadon‐Rosell, A., Martínez‐Vilalta, J., López, R. and Cano‐Martín, F.J., 2025. Genetically based trait coordination and phenotypic plasticity of growth, gas exchange, allometry, and hydraulics across the distribution range of Pinus pinaster. New Phytologist. DOI:
Can Thinning Foster Forest Genetic Adaptation to Drought? A Demo‐Genetic Modelling Approach With Disturbance Regimes
Fririon, V., Davi, H., Oddou‐Muratorio, S., Ligot, G. and Lefèvre, F., 2024. Can Thinning Foster Forest Genetic Adaptation to Drought? A Demo‐Genetic Modelling Approach With Disturbance Regimes. Evolutionary Applications, 17(12), p.e70051. DOI:
Diallel crosses in Picea abies V. Can early testing predict long-term performance?
Solvin, T. M., Skrøppa, T., & Steffenrem, A. (2024). Diallel crosses in Picea abies V. Can early testing predict long-term performance?. Silvae Genetica, 73(1), 48-59. DOI:
The effect of structural diversity on the self-thinning line, yield level, and density-growth relationship in even-aged stands of Norway spruce
Pretzsch, H., Hilmers, T., & del Río, M. (2024). The effect of structural diversity on the self-thinning line, yield level, and density-growth relationship in even-aged stands of Norway spruce. Forest Ecology and Management, 556, 121736. DOI:
Different patterns of inter-annual variability in mean vessel area and tree-ring widths of beech from provenance trials in Slovenia and Hungary
Gričar, J., Arnič, D., Krajnc, L., Prislan, P., Božič, G., Westergren, M., Mátyás, C. and Kraigher, H., 2024. Different patterns of inter-annual variability in mean vessel area and tree-ring widths of beech from provenance trials in Slovenia and Hungary. Trees, 38(1), pp.179-195. DOI:
Different patterns of inter-annual variability in mean vessel area and tree-ring widths of beech from provenance trials in Slovenia and Hungary
Gričar, J., Arnič, D., Krajnc, L., Prislan, P., Božič, G., Westergren, M., ... & Kraigher, H. (2024). Different patterns of inter-annual variability in mean vessel area and tree-ring widths of beech from provenance trials in Slovenia and Hungary. Trees, 38(1), 179-195. DOI:
Making the Genotypic Variation Visible: Hyperspectral Phenotyping in Scots Pine Seedlings
Stejskal, J., Čepl, J., Neuwirthová, E., Akinyemi, O. O., Chuchlík, J., Provazník, D., ... & Lhotáková, Z. (2023). Making the genotypic variation visible: hyperspectral phenotyping in Scots pine seedlings. Plant Phenomics, 5, 0111. DOI:
Other Publications
Evaluating genomic offset predictions in a forest tree with high population genetic structure
Archambeau, J., Benito Garzon, M., de-Miguel, M., Changenet, A., Bagnoli, F., Barraquand, F., ... & Gonzalez-Martinez, S. C. (2024). Evaluating genomic offset predictions in a forest tree with high population genetic structure. bioRxiv, 2024-05. DOI:
Master Thesis - Exploring the value of ecosystem services associated with forest genetic resources in Europe: a preliminary assessment with a focus on the Mediterranean region
Amir Hossein Khalili Pir 2023. "Exploring the value of ecosystem services associated with forest genetic resources in Europe: a preliminary assessment with a focus on the Mediterranean region". Master Thesis. The University of Padova.
Supervisors: Dr. Mauro Masiero (University of Padova)
Edition: Master Degree Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management (MEDfOR). 10th Edition - 2021/2023