Linking forest models and training tools with genetics to explore and assess FGR-based management options

What are the objectives?


  • Quantify the effects of tree selection by thinning, and develop a genetic module for practitioner training to assess the genetic impacts of management decisions
  • Assess the effects of genotype interaction on growth, resilience to drought, stand structure and genetic diversity in genetic mixtures, and develop silvicultural prescriptions for their management
  • Assess the consequences of genetically heterogeneous landscapes on ecosystem services and gene connectivity, and analyse different regional forest planning scenarios
  • Develop FGR-oriented management and restoration options to anticipate forest decline and restoration needs, and test them in long-term experimental sites


Why use models and simulation approaches?

In research...

  • To extend our capacity to explore the responses of forests in various contexts, as a complement to replicated and long-term experiments
  • To integrate knowledge from different disciplines and account for interference between management and natural processes

In management...

  • To test management scenarios and assess the impacts of management practices from short- to long-term
  • To explore and assess innovative management options and choose the ones deserving pre-development experimentation

In training and education...

  • To raise awareness on forest response and management impacts
  • To illustrate complex interactions between multiple processes


I+ Training Software


MOTTI Stand Simulator