What will emerge from the project?
Recommendations formulated for deployment of adaptable forest reproductive material (FRM) matched to future climates, including unique tree lineages for forest ecosystem restoration and management, and assisted gene flow or migration.
A European network of 28 next-generation common gardens containing provenance and species mixtures and unique tree lineages that will form the basis for future climate change adaptation and forest biodiversity research.
Forest management and (low-input) breeding strategies that optimise the use of genetic diversity for adaptation, aiming especially at the establishment and management of new mixed forests.
Enrichment plantations in declining forests and demonstration plots in ecosystem restoration projects carried out in six countries in cooperation with local stakeholders.
A genetic module developed and tested for training software simulating the impact of silviculture on genetic diversity (marteloscopes) to raise the awareness of forest managers of new forest genetic resources (FGR)-oriented management practices.
Proposals for expansion of capacity (including new techniques for FRM production) and increased cooperation among nurseries formulated, based on an in-depth analysis of the nursery sector in Europe and modelling of future FRM demand.
Socially acceptable adaptive solutions developed and prioritised to improve biodiversity and ecosystem services based on FGR, including the needed technical, social, economic and institutional changes to be implemented.
FOREMATIS and EUFGIS Information Systems linked to support end users when making decisions about where to source or plant FRM, and recommendations proposed for the traceability of FRM performance.